Wednesday, July 2, 2014


I mentioned the lovely and talented Mrs. Hull briefly in my introductory post. I want to say a little more about her.

We have been married for 25 years as of last October (2008). I met her in February, 1981 working in the Dining Hall at Tennessee Temple University. 28 years ago this month. She very graciously allowed me to take her out at the end of Feb. '81, and I haven't dated anyone since. (For all of you who value trivia, we went ice skating at the Chatanooga Choo Choo. That rink is no longer there.) This was a Freshman class outing, and a perfect chance to get to know the girl I had just met. It was a new experience for Veronica. She had never been ice skating. Little did she know how many new things she had to look forward to hooking up with me.

The thing about that date I find amusing is the advice from my friends. I was told I was crazy to take a girl to an outing like that. They thought it was better to go alone, so that I could, like they planned, talk to and skate with more than one girl. In my mind, I may have agreed, I don't remember. Likely, I thought that if we didn't enjoy each other's company, then I wouldn't ask her out again. What's a couple of hours? And, in spite of their "advice", I had already made the date. I couldn't break it. And besides, what was wrong with spending time with a girl as pretty as my date? Looking back, I wonder if they believed what they said, or couldn't get dates themselves.

Hindsight being 20/20, I can see how the Lord took care of me. I do not believe there is any other girl in the world that would have been as good a fit for me. God told Adam in Genesis 2 that He would "make him an help meet for him" (KJV). This is not the word "helpmeet". That isn't a real word. It is two words, help and meet. Actually, "a partner suitable". The ESV says "helper fit", and in the NASB its "helper suitable". God gave Adam the perfect partner. That is what God did for me. He gave me a perfectly fitted partner who has supported and walked with me through many changes in our lives.

Veronica has been beside me to encourage me, advise me, support me, and has been my best friend. I probably have been guilty of taking her for granted, but that changed a bit. I have realized again how much I need her. I don't want to get all sappy, but I do want to state how much she means to me. I also want to say how thankful I am the Lord allowed us to be married these years. I won't say that there has never been a disagreement. We do not always want the same things. What I appreciate is that she my friend. When I need to be stopped from making a mistake, she is a true friend. Friends don't say only what you want to hear, they say what you need to hear. She does that for me. Without getting too Hallmarkish (is that a word?),

Veronica, I Love You. Thanks.
 I'm back to try again!

I didn't realize it has been five years since I decided to jot down my thoughts for the occasional web surfer to accidentally come across. Not a very good attempt.

A lot has changed in those five years. I am no longer an aircraft mechanic trying to work with a small independent Baptist group in the Amazon region. That dream was ended rather abruptly. I am still an aircraft mechanic, but for an MRO in Macon, GA.

Two of my children have married, the other joined the Army. All live out of state, and I may consider moving also. All I need is a little debt reduction and another job.

As far as wanderings go, I've ben a bit sedentary lately. My biggest journey has been spiritual. and I'm not sure if I am going, coming, or standing still. When I put a few more thoughts together, I'll write. Maybe.

All three kids were home this past week. The soldier had leave, and flew in from Oahu. The girls flew in from San Francisco and Dayton. It was good to have them all home. One difference from the past was I didn't hear three different instruments being practiced with three different musical compositions. When you got to the place in the house where you were centered between the three, it could make for an interesting sound. Violin, flute, and piano all meandering their separate ways.

I am going to attempt to write at least once a week. It might even make sense, but don't hold your breath on that one!

I am going to attempt to post a picture of the family from the visit last week. I'm the one in need of a hair trimming.

Good day, and God bless!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009


Welcome to Wilver's Wanderings. The wanderings are physical, mental, and spiritual. There is no telling where this ride will end, but you are welcome to come along.

The first question I will answer is where the name came from. Many years ago I needed a screen name for something. I do not remember what. I went to combine my name with my wife's name. The results were Vermic and Micver. I did not like either of them. I took her first name and added it to my middle, and voila! Wilver was born.

That is how Wilver became my nom de plume. The wanderings are because I wanted an alliterated name, and my first two tries were already taken.

Shortly after the lovely and talented Veronica Hensley became Mrs. Veronica Hull, she learned of my propensity for taking the road less traveled. Usually without the aid of directions, maps, or any other encumbrances. Those trips were called Mike's mapless meanderings (with "in the mountains" added for certain trips). Since Mikes Meanderings amd Meandering Mike were both in use by previous bloggers, my blog became Wilver's Wanderings.

There will be semi-occasional posts, so come visit and learn more of the workings of my mind. Just don'e expect great literature or the next Great American Blog. Just me and my little home on the web.